Phone: (732) 657-2121

This program is designed for parents to work through the online modules at their own pace, typically taking 3-5 hours total to complete. You will have 6 months to complete the program before your account expires. The Ocean County Health Department has a license for the TEEN version, which is being offered to Ocean County parents for free. If you are interested in completing the program, email the following information to Kelly Larney at First and Last name, E-mail address and Phone Number. Thank you!
Student Assistance Counselor

Jennifer Eckert, LCSW, LCADC, SAC
Student Assistance Counselor
The Manchester Township High School Student Assistance Program was developed to enhance and support students' success in the school environment. The program offers a wide variety of school based services that were designed to support students and prevent social, emotional and family difficulties from disrupting their education. In addition, students are encouraged to join our SAC Google Classroom using code: sz5hcxc to access helpful social/emotional information specific to our high school students.
The SAC (Student Assistance Counselor) provides assessment, individual and group counseling, prevention education and referral services to any student who is experiencing personal, family and peer difficulties.