Contact Guidance
Guidance Phone #: 732-657-8329
Cindy Redd (Secretary):
Extension: 3520
Linda McCombie (Secretary): Extension: 3501
Kristen Gannon (Anti-Bullying Specialist)
Grade 9
Extension: 3524
Join the Google Classroom: 66uolxu
Shannon Findlow
Grade 10 & 11: A-F
Grade 12: A-G
Extension: 3513
Rachel Kelly
Grade 10: G-N
Grade 11: G-O
Grade 12: H-O
Extension: 3522
Dana Simonelli (Anti-Bullying Specialist)
Grade 10: O-Z
Grade 11 & 12: P-Z
Extension: 3514
Student Assistance Counselor:
Jennifer Eckert
Extension: 3530
Join the Google Classroom: sz5hcxc
Mental Health Specialist (Zen Den)
Clarice Pulcine
Extension: 3502
Quick Links
12th Grade HUB - Navigate here for a lot more information regarding your senior year.
About the Guidance Department

Manchester Township High School has a long tradition of providing students with strong guidance and counseling services. Emphasis is placed on the personal, career, and academic needs of the individual student. The program includes sequential activities designed to address the needs of all students by helping them to acquire competencies in career planning and exploration, knowledge of self and others, and educational and vocational development.
One of the major goals of Manchester Township High School Guidance Department is to create an individualized plan for each student. Counselors aim to help the students explore future opportunities and the best pathway to achieve individual goals. Students are encouraged to consider achievement, interests, and abilities when selecting courses each year. Each counselor works individually with each student to help him or her determine the course of study that will best meet his or her plans. Students are encouraged to utilize Naviance, which is a platform that assists with their planning of post-secondary goals.
Students can make an appointment with their guidance counselor via email or the guidance counselor's appointment calendar, which has been emailed to the students by the counselor.
Additional Resources

This program is designed for parents to work through the online modules at their own pace, typically taking 3-5 hours total to complete. You will have 6 months to complete the program before your account expires. The Ocean County Health Department has a license for the TEEN version, which is being offered to Ocean County parents for free. If you are interested in completing the program, email the following information to Kelly Larney at First and Last name, E-mail address and Phone Number. Thank you!
Meet the Guidance Staff
Pictured from Left to Right: Jennifer Eckert, Shannon Findlow, Kristen Gannon, Cindy Redd, Rachel Kelly, Linda McCombie, Dana Simonelli