MTMS Mustang Athletics

Athletic Coordinator

Doug DeFalco


Fall Sports

Cross Country (Boys & Girls)
Soccer (Boys & Girls)

Winter Sports

Basketball (Boys & Girls)

Spring Sports

Track (Boys & Girls)

Directions to Away Schools

Mustang Sports News

Additional Athletic Forms

Parents- please fill out the athletic forms on parent portal under forms(athletic release, concussion,sudden cardiac, opioid) if you haven't done so already. If you have submitted paper copies of forms, then you do not have to complete.

Sports Physicals Forms

Athletic Physical Form

Spanish Athletic Physical Form

'25 Spring Sports Physical Deadline: The deadline to submit a sports physical for Spring Sports is Mon. Feb 24th so it can be cleared by our school district doctor in time for tryouts. Only the "Medical Eligibility Form" needs to be submitted to the school as of 7/1/24. Physicals can be dropped off in our main office during the summer/school year.

Staying After School for a Game/Match: Anyone interested in staying to watch a sporting event must fill out an athletic permission slip signed by a parent and provide your own transportation home.Athletic Permission Slip

'25 Spring Sports Schedule-

'25 Spring Sports Season

Update to the Schedule:

5/7 Home T&F moved to 5/9.

3/25- BB and SB Games have been cancelled.


Spring Sports Tryouts: 2:30-4:30

Baseball and Softball -

Veteran’s Practice - Tues 3/4

8th & 7th Gr. Tryouts- Mon. March 10th

6th Grade Tryouts- Tues. March 11th

Final Tryouts (by invitation only)- Wed. March 12th

Track & Field Tryouts

Mon. March 10th- Boys Runners Only

Tues. March 11th- Girls Runners Only

Wed. March 12th- Everyone- Boys and Girls Runners and Throwers

*Must have a sports physical to tryout, there will be a 4:30 bus. No failing grades on 2nd Marking Period Report Card. Any questions please see Mr. DeFalco. *Rain/Weather Postponements- Move everything back one day

Pruebas Deportivas de Primavera

*2:20-4:30: Nos reunimos en el gimnasio.

*La fecha límite para enviar un examen físico deportivo para deportes de primavera es el lunes 24 de febrero.

Béisbol y Softbol

Práctica para veteranos: ya sea el lunes 3/3 o el martes 3/4 dependiendo del clima 

8 y 7 grado. Pruebas - Lunes 10 de marzo

Pruebas de 6 grado: martes 11 de marzo

Pruebas finales (solo por invitación): miércoles 12 de marzo

Pruebas de pista y campo

Lunes 10 de marzo: solo corredores masculinos 

Martes 11 de marzo: solo corredoras femeninas

Miércoles 12 de marzo - Todos - Niños y niñas corredores y lanzadores

*Habrá un autobús a las 4:30

*Debe tener un examen físico deportivo para realizar la prueba.

*No se puede tener una calificación reprobatoria en la boleta de calificaciones del segundo período de calificaciones. Aplazamientos por lluvia/clima: Se retrasar todo un día

Athletic Participation Forms

Athletes must have all paperwork submitted before participating in any sport. All of the athletic forms may be accessed on the Parent Portal under Forms (athletic release, concussion, sudden cardiac, opioid). 


All athletes must have a current physical form on file to participate in tryouts. The "Physical Examination Form " must be completed by your physician, however only the "Medical Eligibility Form" needs to be submitted to the school as of 7/1/24. Additionally our school district doctor must review, sign and clear each physical. Physicals are valid for one year from the date of exam.

Athletic Physical Form

Spanish Athletic Physical Form