Guidance Resources
Crisis Hotlines
In a medical or mental health emergency please call 911 immediately.
DAWN website - In these stressful times, please check out this site created by students for students to quickly access tips and tools to help you cope.
Performcare - If you are struggling with a personal or family crisis, speak to your parents about contacting Performcare at 877-652-7624 for access to services.
Suicide Prevention - If you or someone you know if having thoughts about doing harm to themself, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
2nd Floor Youth Helpline is a great source of support for any type of issue or problem. Call or text 888-222-2228 for 2nd Floor.
NJ Mental Health Network - Free confidential support call 1-866-202-HELP (4357)
For information about mental health and substance abuse treatment services, or other community supports contact your Guidance counselor or call United Way at 211.