Preschool Registration

Preschool Registration Instructions

Preschool Registration for Manchester Township School District's 2024-25 Universal Preschool Program is now FULL.

Parents/guardians must bring the following documents to the appointment:

• Birth Certificate - Original copy with a raised seal (photocopies will not be accepted).

• Driver’s License or Photo ID of guardians

• Two Proofs of Residency - (copy of deed or lease and utility or tax bill, or a notarized letter from the landlord with a utility bill from the landlord)

• Immunization Records - with flu vaccination

• Physical

• Custody Papers (if applicable)

*A spot in the preschool program WILL NOT be finalized until ALL registration materials have been received on the date of the registration appointment.

**Parents/guardians who arrive at their appointment without complete documentation will be asked to reschedule their appointment.

***Parents/guardians without ALL of the documents listed, will not be able to register.

Registro Preescolar

La inscripción para preescolar se completará únicamente con cita previa.

Padres/tutores deberá traer los siguientes documentos a la cita:

• Acta de Nacimiento - Copia original con sello en relieve (no se aceptarán fotocopias).

• Licencia de conducir o identificación con fotografía de los tutores

• Dos Pruebas de Residencia -(copia de la escritura o contrato de arrendamiento y factura de servicios públicos o impuestos, o una carta notariada del propietario con una factura de servicios públicos del propietario)

• Registros de vacunación - con vacunación contra la gripe

• Físico

• Documentos de custodia (si corresponde)

*Un lugar en el programa preescolarNO LO HARA finalizará hasta que se hayan recibido TODOS los materiales de inscripciónohn la fecha de la cita de registro.

**A los padres/tutores que lleguen a su cita sin la documentación completa se les pedirá que reprogramen su cita.

***Los padres/tutores sin TODOS los documentos enumerados no podrán registrarse.


If you have any questions, please call 732-350-5900.

How Do I Get An Official Birth Certificate?

Official birth certificates may be obtained from the town clerk of the municipality where the child was born or from state Vital Statistics offices. For children born in New Jersey, go to For other states, try

Immunization Requirements 

For New Jersey preschool immunization requirements, visit the link below.

For any immunization or other health and wellness related questions, please contact the school nurse.