Stop The Bleed

Bleeding Control for the Injured Person

This month the nurses wanted to share some information on Bleeding Control for the the injured person. This is good information for everyone to know.

There is a nation wide initiative  to help the public understand that uncontrolled bleeding is the number one cause of preventable death due from trauma.

 YOU can help save a life by knowing how to stop bleeding if someone is injured.

Stop The Bleed - Save A Life

The steps include:

Ensure your own Safety

A - Alert

Call 9-1-1

B - Bleeding

Find the  bleeding

C - Compress

Apply pressure to stop the bleeding by:

  • cover with a clean cloth and apply pressure by pushing directly on it with both hands OR

  • use a  tourniquet OR

  • pack  (stuff) the wound with  gauze or a clean cloth and then apply pressure with both hands.

  Hopefully you will never need to do this, but  its always good to know you can.