Today launched the Preschool to Kindergarten Experience Day visits for students in our Manchester School's Universal Preschool Program. This initiative allows for preschool students to experience and become familiar with a kindergarten classroom, the special area classes that they will travel to as kindergarteners, and also help them to determine with their teacher what is the same as preschool and what will be new for them when they enter kindergarten next year! Preschool students from Mrs. Kennedy's class at Ridgeway Elementary School kicked off the visits. Mrs. Kennedy's class started their tour with a fun trip to Mrs. Allmann's kindergarten class where they met kindergarten friends, read a book together with Mrs. Allmann, and sang songs.
Students then moved on to tour the Kindergarten special area classes. They visited the library, gym class, music class, art class and the playground.
To end their tour, students visited the lunchroom for snack time. They met cafeteria staff members and went through the lunch line the way they will in kindergarten. Each student was welcome to a drink and a snack and ate together at the table in the lunchroom.
It was another great day in Manchester's Universal Pre-K!