MTSD Staff Prepared for BTS

The Manchester Township School District's staff are a professional, dedicated, talented, and excited group!  Some of the staff spent their time last week participating in voluntary professional development opportunities and beginning to prepare for the first day of school. 

On Wednesday, the District hosted a Literacy Luau which was a voluntary professional development opportunity for the staff to enhance their skills and knowledge in various literacy-related areas. These offerings aimed to support the staff's growth and teaching effectiveness. Presentations were given by Jennifer Cittadino, K-5 Literacy Instructional Coach, Brittany Bloss, K-5 Math Instructional Coach, and MS/HS Instructional Technology Coach Jamie Velazquez to attendees. During the session, teachers learned a range of effective strategies to enhance reading comprehension in their students across the content areas. The strategies discussed help to equip teachers with ways to create a supportive and engaging reading environment that fosters improved reading comprehension for all students.  

On Thursday evening, the Ridgeway Elementary School hosted a fun "lock-in" event for the staff. This was another voluntary opportunity where staff could come in to prepare for the upcoming school year.  With Taylor Swift's music playing, the event's theme of "Back to School Era" rang throughout the hallways. Teachers took the opportunity to set up their classrooms, participated in optional team-building activities, welcomed new staff members to the team, created and traded friendship bracelets, and more. It was a wonderful way to kick-off the 2023-24 school year at Ridgeway!