RDS 2024 Cupcake Wars!

It was a SWEET Valentine's Day at Regional Day School as the competition heated up in their annual Cupcake Wars!

Students from each Classroom Pod came together to create unique cupcake creations! This year, A-Pod has "Gone Fishing" with their RDS mascot-themed cupcakes! There was no detail left out of these penguin cupcakes made with Oreo funfetti cake and vanilla icing while also featuring marshmallows, starburst candies, a rice crispy treat igloo tower and sweedish fish decor.

B-Pod brought a "pizza" their heart to the table with their baking creation. Unique and timely for Valentine's Day, no detail was left behind of this special delivery! B-Pod's Pizza with Heart featured vanilla cupcakes, vanilla, and chocolate icing, and decor made from red and yellow icing. 

Last but NOT least, C-Pod is In its Baking Era! Can you hear the Swifties cheering for their creation? Oreo cupcakes and Oreo cream icing brought these cupcakes together but it was the special toppings that stole the show! Pictures featuring the students of C-Pod in their baking attire adorn the top of each cupcake!

The students and staff behind these cupcake creations made it very hard for this esteemed group of judges. Although their cupcake expertise is highly respected, judging these creations on taste, creativity, and overall greatness was not an easy task! 

Although RDS students and staff knew what their classroom Pod created, they were so excited to come through to see, visit, taste, and also judge the work of the other classroom Pods. The students were happy to see their hard work on display and to cheer on their friends from other Pods for their cupcake creations! Although every cupcake creation was a clear winner, the following were the category winners of the 2024 Regional Day School Cupcake Wars:

BEST TASTING CUPCAKE - C-Pod: In my Baking Era

MOST CREATIVE CUPCAKE - B-Pod: RDS Has a "Pizza" My Heart

BEST OVERALL - A-Pod: RDS Penguins have "Gone Fishing"