The science classes at Manchester Township Middle School (MTMS) have been extra exciting with guests and lessons that engage students.
Last week, Ms. Andi Robbins came to speak to her daughter's 7th-grade science class. Ms. Robbins is the Director of Quality Compliance at Tris Pharmaceuticals where they develop and manufacture liquid, extended-release, and specialty pharmaceuticals. She explained what pharmaceuticals are, why they are important, and the drug development process. Ms. Robbins also demonstrated the types of science involved in pharmaceuticals including biology, chemistry, and engineering. Students were exposed to different career options and suggested topics to study in college. It was a great opportunity for students to be exposed to an option of how to use a Science degree.
Toward the end of last week, the MTMS 7th-grade science classes investigated one of the most important human adaptations today, opposable thumbs. Students timed how quickly they could complete various activities with their thumbs and with their thumbs restrained. Activities included writing their names, picking a coin up from the floor, tying their shoe, and cutting a circle out of paper. They had a time limit of two minutes to complete each activity before they had to label it as "unsuccessful". This activity ties into their current unit of study in which they learn about natural selection. Students gave the activity two thumbs up!