supply lists elem are now available
We are Hiring Bus Drivers!
Extended School Year Student Art Work
Manchester School District's Summer Improvement Projects in Process
ESY visits Field of Dreams
Manchester Township Board of Education Board Retreat August 29
Manchester Township Board of Education Vacancy
Superintendent Berenato turnkeys updates and training to District secretarial staff
MTES welcomes Jump Start students
Manchester Township School District Upcoming Dates
ESY Summer Sessions Begin
Manchester Township  Board of Education  Meeting Update  For July 19
MTHS Student is Named's Team Manager of the Year!
Congratulations to the Manchester Township High School and Manchester Township Middle School Graduates!
Manchester's Elementary Schools are Buzzing with Fun & Celebration the Last Week of School!
MTHS Seniors Take a Walk Down Memory Lane Before Graduation!
A Celebration of Students at the June BOE meeting!
MTES Mayor for the Day