Manchester Township High School's Leadership Seminar students from Mrs. Paturzo's class gave a very special presentation at this month's Board of Education meeting. 

MTHS Leadership presentation

Since its reopening in the Spring of 2021, each year's Leadership Seminar Class has taken on the responsibility of maintaining and improving the Manchester Township High School Fallen Hawks Memorial Garden.  As an extension of maintaining and improving the garden annually, this year's Leadership Seminar students are hosting a candlelight vigil for the families of the fallen to honor those Hawks who were lost during their time at MTHS.

MTHS Leadership presentation

The Fallen Hawks Memorial Garden is located outdoors in the center of the high school. This is where former students and staff members are memorialized. Each individual has a personalized plaque that is displayed on the garden wall. The 2024 Candlelight Vigil will bring families of these fallen Hawks together for an evening of candlelight, butterflies, food, and words of remembrance. 

The Leadership Seminar students are calling on community members to help them provide a special experience for families of the fallen Hawks. The students are looking for:

- monetary and/or gift card donations to purchase butterflies, candles, and general event supplies; 

- food and beverage donations from local restaurants and businesses; 

- gift cards from restaurants and local businesses to purchase refreshments;

- landscaping support to help freshen up the garden and gazebo, remove dead plants, and landscape the pond, flower donations, and more! 

If you are interested in making a donation and supporting the MTHS Leadership Seminar Students in this community connection project, please contact their teacher Sarah Paturzo at spaturzo@mtschools.orgYou can mail donations directly to:  Manchester Township High School Leadership Seminar Event c/o Mrs. Sarah Patruzo 101 Hawks Way Manchester, NJ 08759 OR through their Amazon Wishlist at:

The Manchester Township High School Fallen Hawks Memorial Garden was created in 2012 by members of the Class of 2014 to honor those who passed away while they were a students or staff member at the Home of the Hawks. The Class of 2014 experienced the loss of multiple classmates and teachers which motivated them to create this sacred space in remembrance of their peers.  The Leadership Seminar students from the 2020-2021 school year took on the project of restoring, improving, and gaining approval for the reopening of the garden. Since its reopening in the Spring of 2021, each year's Leadership Class thereafter has taken on the responsibility of maintaining and improving the Memorial Garden annually.

For more information about the Fallen Hawks Memorial Garden, please visit: Fallen Hawks Memorial Garden - Home

MTHS Leadership presentation