The OCVTS Career Fair Comes to MTHS!

Today Manchester Township High School (MTHS) students had the opportunity to explore future career opportunities thanks to the Ocean County Vocational Technical School's (OCVTS) Career Fair!  What was extra special about today's OCVTS Career Fair at MTHS is that current and former MTHS students who attended OCVTS were facilitating today's career fair with their instructors. This allowed for peer-to-peer interaction and discussion to occur between enrolled students and those who were interested in learning more about the programs available to them at OCVTS. 

Each grade level was given the opportunity to visit the career fair exposing students to multiple programs and opportunities.  Programs represented included:

Automotive Technology
Design & Visual Communications
Fashion Design
Audio Engineering
Heavy Equipment Operator
Medical Assistant
Collision Repair
Dental Assisting
Health & Fitness
and the OCVTS general information table. 

Thank you to the OCVTS for your partnership and for spending the day with our students at MTHS!