Today is the 100th Day of School for the Manchester Township School District (MTSD)! Staff and students are excitedly observing this fun day across town. They can be found casually walking the hallways dressed as if they are 100 years old or even with attire touting they are "100 days brighter" complete with 100 dots or stickers:
Classrooms are incorporating the 100th day into their academics. Whiting Elementary School (WES) students in Ms. McNeill's class are enjoying 100 day activities such as counting 100 cereal loops and turning them into necklaces! Another small group is working on creating art by painting 100 gum balls as they proudly count each dot from 1 to 100, together:
Mrs. Cataldo's class at WES is practicing counting their special snacks by 1s and 10s to 100 ahead of enjoying them. The snacks all incorporate the letter "P" so that students can continue to recognize and connect the letter the class is focusing with their 100th Day lesson. Students sorted their P-snacks (popcorn, popchips, and pretzels!) into 10 groups of 10. They then worked together, counting by 10s, to combine the snacks into a bowl of 100 delicious treats. Before enjoying snack time together, Mrs. Cataldo read to them a preschool favorite, Biscuit's 100th Day of School:
Mrs. Schaefer's class at Ridgeway Elementary School (RES) is enjoying the 100th Day dressed up together, as well!
Ms. Mango's class at RES celebrated the 100th Day of school by making self-portraits of what they think they may look like when they are 100 years old! Students also wrote about what they will do when they are 100 years old. A few responses when being asked "When I am 100 years old I will..." included:
tell kids to get off my lawn.
take a nap.
watch T.V.
eat cookies!
We are excited to mark this milestone with you and hope that all enjoy the festivities of the day. This post will be updated as more images and information from across the MTSD are captured!