MTMS Students Visit IBSP for 35th Annual Beach Summit

Last week, Manchester Township Middle School students had the awesome opportunity to visit Island Beach State Park for the Clean Ocean Action's 35th Annual Beach Summit.  The students from Mrs. Pacuilli, Mr. Froriep, and Mrs. D'Aloisioś's classes spent the day learning about ocean sustainability and marine environmental education through hands-on activities.

Clean Ocean Action's 35th Annual Fall Student Summit  Fall Student Summit provides school students (grades 5-8) with the opportunity to experience hands-on, marine environmental education at the Jersey shore. Designed to meet core curriculum standards and reinforce STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) concepts, the Student Summit was a great opportunity for students to receive a unique, educational program that combines peer-to-peer learning with outdoor experiences emphasizing personal connections to the sea and environmental stewardship.

Thank you to IBSP for welcoming our students making the beach in our own community their classroom for the day!