The halls of Manchester Township Middle School (MTMS) were buzzing today as 6th-grade students visited their new building and met with school administration and staff to prepare to begin their middle school years in September!
Students and families were greeted warmly by MTMS staff before meeting in their groups with Principal Driber and her team to learn more about what they could expect upon the start of their 6th-grade year.
After a brief presentation, students and families could visit and try out their lockers, tour some of the building, meet with the school nurse, administration, and other staff to have their questions answered, connect with classmates, and more!
MTMS looks forward to welcoming all students on the first day of school, Thursday, September 5, 2024. As you enjoy the last weeks of summer, please do not hesitate to contact the middle school if you or your child have any questions leading up to the new school year. And be sure to mark your calendar for your child's back to school night which begins in September: