MTMS Visit from Watershed NJ Ambassador

Last Friday the Manchester Township Middle School 6th grade science classes had a fun and interactive lesson about watersheds. Students gathered with their teachers in the Media Center where Mr. Forrest, a NJ Watershed Ambassador from Americorps, was ready and excited to teach them about watersheds.

MTMS Visit from Watershed NJ Ambassador

Students learned about what a watershed is, about New Jersey's 20 watersheds, and that Manchester is in the Barnegat Bay Watershed, the largest body of water in our state, making it very important to the environment!

After learning about watersheds, students moved into a lesson about the water cycle to showcase how water goes from one place to another in our environment. This led to a fun activity where students became water droplets themselves! In teams of three, students created friendship bracelets for Valentine's Day by going station to station as water droplets traveling through the water cycle. They moved around the room adding beads to their bracelets and then rolled dice to see where they, as water droplets, would go next in the water cycle. At the end of their journey, they shared with the class which station their water droplet traveled the most, or the least, and what that meant for them as a droplet. The activity was enjoyed and students proudly wore their bracelets for Valentine's Day.

MTMS Visit from Watershed NJ Ambassador

MTMS Visit from Watershed NJ Ambassador

MTMS Visit from Watershed NJ Ambassador

Thank you to Mr. Forrest and the Americorps NJ Watershed for visiting MTMS today and bringing this science lesson to life for our 6th-grade classes!

MTMS Visit from Watershed NJ Ambassador