STudy Buddies at ocl

National Honor Society student volunteers from Manchester Township High School, together with the Manchester Branch of the Ocean County Library offer local students, grades K-5, after school once a week! Students and their families can participate in the MTHS Study Buddy program if they are looking for support with student homework and school work. All you have to do is show up on the designated dates and times and your student will be helped in the order of your arrival. The MTHS volunteers can't wait to see you there!

The March Study Buddies will be located on Thursday evenings in March from 5-7 PM in the Teen Zone on the following dates: March 13 (MLL tutors are also available this date), March 20, and March 27 (MLL tutors are also available on this date).

The April Study Buddies will be located on Thursday evenings in April from 5-7 PM in the Teen Zone on the following dates: April 3 and April 10 - MLL tutors are available on both of these dates.

Study Buddy March & April

Study Buddy March & April

Study Buddy March & April