The skies provided the blue for the red, white, and blue celebration and parade today at Manchester's Regional Day School (RDS). Annually, the school invites local veterans, and members of the Regional Day School community, to join for a commemorative Memorial Day parade honoring those who were lost while protecting and serving our country.
The ceremony began with students saying the Pledge of Allegiance together and the school revealing the wreath donation, created by Ms. Anna's class. This wreath will be presented to Manchester Township and used during their Memorial Day services this upcoming weekend.
The Manchester Township High School marching band and Manchester Township High School ROTC then lead the Regional Day School students and staff on a parade around the school's property! The veterans and families in attendance were moved as they enjoyed the student-made signs, waving flags of appreciation and a lunch in their honor!
Just a friendly reminder that the Manchester Township School District will have a half day for students this coming Thursday, May 23. The school district will then be closed Friday through Monday, reopening on Tuesday, May 27. The school district calendar can be found under the MENU section of our district website a