Yesterday we learned that last week's Regional Day School (RDS) prom was the perfect, impromptu dress rehearsal for the spectacular 2024 Second Annual RDS Music Showcase!
Students have been working with Mrs. Dominique Gretch, MT-BC, B.S. who is the Assistant Director of Mosaic Music Therapy. She has been sharing her talents and brightening the lives of our students and staff through the gift of music!
Students in every grade level and Pod at RDS have been diligently working with Mrs. Gretch all year. The Second Annual RDS Musical Showcase was the culmination of their hard work. Students sang for their family, MTSD staff, and friends everything from "I Want Candy", to "We are Champions", to "Wheels on the Bus" and even a "We Will Rock You" Mashup! Students from A2 even went so far as to create original musical pieces with Mrs. Gretch which were showcased today!
Way to go Regional Day School!