The Manchester Township School District's (MTSD) Superintendent of Schools, Diane Pedroza, always shares that it takes a village to raise a child and how the MTSD community exemplifies the village it takes. No matter if it is joining together by the hundreds over pancakes with the principals, as done this past weekend by MTES, or this morning when a group of Regional Day School parents met for coffee with their principal, the same premise remains: together we help our students achieve. We are a village!
At Regional Day School (RDS) this morning, Principal Michallis hosted January's Coffee with the Principal meetup. Approximately six times a year, Principal Michallis will offer parents and guardians of RDS students the opportunity to come in and meet with her over coffee, tea, and pastries. The meeting has an agenda but takes on more of a casual conversation where families join together to connect. It is in these meetings where families become friends, parents share their experiences, they learn from the principal what the school and school district have coming up in the near future for their children, and they collaborate.
"We have been offering Coffee with the Principal for many years now," says Principal Lisa Michallis, Regional Day School. "Some months dozens of parents attend and during others, it is just a few who can join, but no matter how many are in the room, the vibe of collaboration and community is always strong. We are meeting with families from all grade levels who not only come to speak with me but to support and connect. They share about everything from local parks to community resources they have experienced. The coffee with the Principal meet-ups have forged a strong relationship not only between myself and our RDS families but between the families themselves as they navigate parenthood. It is always wonderful and insightful for all who attend."
Many of the Manchester Township schools host similar events throughout the school year. Check with your child's home school for their next school community collaboration. We look forward to seeing you there soon!