RES House Meetings February 2025

It is two years into The House System at Ridgeway Elementary School (RES) and the program is going strong! Under the direction of Vice Principal DiLorenzo, The House System continued into this school year with enthusiasm by staff and students. This month students met in their House Meetings which focused on conflict resolution and applying these skills to real-life situations.

RES House Meetings February 2025

The purpose of the House System is to build a strong sense of community and connection throughout the school among all students. They were assigned to a House at the beginning of the program and new students are assigned as they join the RES family. They then stay in the same House each year. As 5th graders move on to Manchester Township Middle School, incoming kindergarteners take their place in that House.

RES House Meetings February 2025

The purpose of the House System is to build a strong sense of connection throughout the school among all students. Each house is assigned a value such as citizenship, integrity, responsibility, patience, kindness, gratitude, and more. Under the leadership of Ms. DiLorenzo the House System has expanded to include social skills this school year. Students are working cooperatively across grade levels to practice different ways to solve conflict. We have seen an increase in students applying conflict resolution skills both in school and in their home lives. What a positive impact this has had on the Ridgeway Elementary School community! Way to go Ridgeway Dolphins!

RES House Meetings February 2025