MTSD is excited to offer fun & educational summer programs to interested & eligible students. The halls were buzzing this week as we welcomed students to programs such as Jump Start, Extended School Year, Chorus, STEM Camp & AP Bootcamp. Learn more at www.manchestertwp.org.

UPDATED! Mark your calendar for the MTSD 2024-25 Back to School Nights & Orientations! Infor and times specific to your child's classroom and/or program will be provided by each school ahead of the event. More details at www.manchestertwp.org. We look forward to seeing you soon!

The Board of Education recognizes students from every school at their monthly meetings. Last evening the Board of Education celebrated with the community Manchester's students and their many achievements! Check it out at www.manchestertwp.org.

There is a Board of Education meeting tonight, Tuesday, June 18th at the Manchester Township Middle School. The public portion begins at 6:30 PM.

Just a friendly reminder that all Manchester Township Schools will have an Early Dismissal beginning on Monday, June 17 through the last day of the school year which is on Thursday, June 20.

Please see a letter from the Manchester Township School District Technology Department regarding student Chromebooks and Google accounts during the upcoming summer break here: https://bit.ly/4efdcvn

Ridgeway Elementary School’s Universal Preschool Students from Ms. Nardone’s class took their art and literacy skills outside to the new asphalt yesterday! Check out what they were up to at www.manchestertwp.org

This Wednesday is the annual Instrument Safari Night, a great opportunity for students going into 4-12th grade who are interested in playing an instrument to come try them out and explore joining the school band! Visit your child's virtual backpack for the details. See you there!

The MTHS NHS in collaboration with the Manchester Township Branch of the Ocean County Library invites Manchester's students and their families to a Study Buddies Storytime! Students will read with our very own MTHS NHS students. Light refreshments will be served. See you there!

The Manchester Township School District Art Show is a favored event among our school community. Students and families gathered last evening for a night of enjoying and celebrating all things of art! More at www.ManchesterTwp.org

Please be advised that the upcoming Somone Special Dance has been cancelled. Ticket holders have been notified and refunded. We hope to see you all next year!

The annual MTSD Art Show will be held this Thursday, May 30 from 5-7:30 PM at MTHS. Free family activities to accompany our student's art exhibit. Concessions will be sold in support of art scholarships for students. We can't wait to see you there!

Today is the day! The NHS Car Wash Fundraiser was rescheduled for today from 9 am to 1 PM. Visit students at the Oliverie Funeral Home (2925 Ridgeway Rd.) to help them raise money for Make-A-Wish. Thank you to the community for your continued support of our students!

May is Mental Health Awareness Month but here in Manchester, we prioritize the health, wellness, & safety of our students & staff every day of the year. Today our staff participated in the district's annual MTSD Staff Wellness Day. See what they were up to at manchestertwp.org!

Today the MTSD participated in the 40th annual Memorial Day Celebration & Parade of Wreaths held at Joint Base Maguire Dix Lakehurst. The MTSD wreath will be placed at the Expeditionary Cemetery on the Base in remembrance of those who gave their lives in service of our nation.

A reminder that tomorrow (Thursday, May 23) all Manchester Township Schools will have an Early Dismissal. All schools are CLOSED to observe Memorial Day beginning Friday, May 24 to Monday, May 27, and will reopen on Tuesday, May 28. Thank you!

NOW LIVE! MTMS BAND & CHORUS SIGN-UPS FOR THE 2024-25 SCHOOL YEAR. Use the link posted on the elementary school websites as well as the MTMS website OR scan the QR code to sign up today!

MTSD's Instrument Safari Night is a great opportunity for students going into 4-12th grade who are interested in playing an instrument to try it out! Families can gather information about band programs offered in-district and more! Visit your child's virtual backpack for details.

It is a sweet day for Ridgeway School! Second-grade students are raising money by selling delicious summer lemonade in the name of charity on this sunny Wednesday! See how our students are living out our district motto, Excellence by Example, in this way: www.manchestertwp.org!

TONIGHT! DINE TO DONATE AT BJS BREWHOUSE ON 5/21 TO SUPPORT THE MTMS ENGINEERING TEAM! See the MTMS website at www.manchestertwp.org for the full flyer and details. Thanks for the support!