This is an important message from the Manchester Township School District. Due to inclement weather conditions, and to ensure the safety of our students & staff, all Manchester Township Schools including Regional Day School will have a 90 Minute Delayed Opening on January 17th. All before-school activities including A.M. Y- Kids are canceled. We will monitor the situation to determine if further action is needed. Stay up to date by monitoring our social media sites and please visit manchestertwp.org for the Delayed Opening Schedule.

This is an important message from the Manchester Township School District. Due to inclement weather conditions, and to ensure the safety of our students & staff, all Manchester Township Schools including Regional Day School will have a 90 Minute Delayed Opening. All before-school activities including A.M. Y- Kids are canceled. We will monitor the situation to determine if further action is needed. Stay up to date by monitoring our social media sites and please visit manchestertwp.org for the Delayed Opening Schedule.

Mark Your Calendar! Jan. 24: Title III Middle & HS Parent Advisory Committee Meeting

This is a friendly reminder that the Manchester Township School District is CLOSED today, Monday, January 15, 2024, to remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

This is a friendly reminder that the Manchester Township School District is closed on Monday, January 15, 2024, to observe Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Tonight the MTSD Gospel Choir Presents The 55th Annual Gospel Chorus Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Friday, January 12, 6:30 PM at Manchester Township H.S. Please visit manchestertwp.org for more details!

The Manchester Township School District joins the community in mourning the tremendous loss of Mr. Bee. Please find a brief statement from MTSD as we reflect & recognize the positive impact he made on our school community at https://bit.ly/47vSfri

The Manchester Township SEPAG meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, January 11th at 6pm has been canceled.

Thank you to the Manchester Township Police Department for your service, partnership, and endless dedication to the Manchester community. The Manchester Township School District (MTSD) wishes you a Happy Law Enforcement Appreciation Day!

Ridgeway Families and Staff
*Please be advised that today, Tuesday, January 9th, 2024 there will be no afterschool programs. If your child participates in ESL AFTER THE BELL or POWER HOUR, these programs will be canceled today due to the weather.

Help MTSD students collect 1,800 boxes of cereal for the Joel E. Perlmutter Memorial Food Pantry @The Barn. Cereal can be dropped off at any school in the township. The collection will be held until February 2. Questions? Email ngawlik@mtschools.org. Thanks for the support!

The MTSD Gospel Choir Presents The 55th Annual Gospel Chorus Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Friday, January 12, 6:30 PM at Manchester Township H.S. Mark your calendars and please visit manchestertwp.org for more details!

Last night, the MTSD's Board of Education conducted the Annual Reorganization Meeting. Congratulations and thank you to the Board of Education for all you do for the Manchester Township School District and community! Information and 2024 Meeting Dates at www. manchestertwp.org.

Registration for Manchester's Preschool Program is by appointment only. Space is limited. Spots are available on a first come first serve basis. Contact M. Cartagena at mcartagena2@mtschools.org or 732-350-5900 Ext. 2251 to schedule. Kindergarten registration info is coming soon!

There is a Manchester Township Board of Education special meeting for the purpose of the annual organization of the Board of Education tonight, Thursday, January 4, 2024 starting at 6:00 p.m. at the Manchester Township Middle School.

January is School Board Appreciation Month in New Jersey! We want to thank the Manchester Township Board of Education for devoting countless volunteer hours to the oversight and advancement of our students' education. We appreciate ALL that you do!

The Manchester Township School District will be closed for Winter Break beginning the afternoon of Friday, December 22 and re-opening the morning of Tuesday, January 2. We wish you a joyful and peaceful winter break. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Gingerbread is the Theme! Family Fun at Ridgeway & a STEM Challenge at MTMS Round out the Holiday Week! See all the sweet fun at manchestertwp.org.

The Manchester PTA will be spreading holiday cheer with their annual Hot Cocoa Day! Every student in the District will be served this treat. Thanks to the PTA for this and ALL of the wonderful things you do to support our schools! More at manchestertwp.org.

Elementary Report Cards are now available on the Parent Portal!