This is a reminder that the MTSD will follow the early dismissal schedule for students (not RDS!) on January 30, 31, and February 3. Schools are closed to ALL students for a Staff In-Service on Tuesday, February 4. We look forward to welcoming students back on February 5!
about 1 month ago, MTSDNews
Jan/Feb schedule updates
Congratulations to Diana Bradley, a 3rd Grade Teacher at Ridgeway Elementary School who was voted into the Teachers Who Rock Class of 2025! More at!
about 2 months ago, MTSDNews
The MTEA hosted its Third Annual Excellence in Education Celebration this past weekend! Congratulations to the honorees! Your recognition is well-deserved and a reflection of the impact you have made in the lives of so many. Read more about it at
about 2 months ago, MTSDNews
MTEA Excellence in Education Celebration - January 25 2025
MTEA Excellence in Education Celebration - January 25 2025
MTEA Excellence in Education Celebration - January 25 2025
MTSD Community, In exercising caution ahead of the frigid temperatures and ground conditions tomorrow morning, all MTSD Schools will operate on a 90-minute delayed opening tomorrow, January 21. Before-school activities & A.M. Y-Kids are canceled.
about 2 months ago, MTSD News
90 Minute Delay
90 Minute Delay
As we observe & reflect on the life & legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. today we are grateful to our community who came together for an incredible night at the 56th Annual MLK Gospel Chorus Program at MTHS on Friday. Thank you to all who participated in our longstanding tradition!
about 2 months ago, MTSDNews
This is a friendly reminder that the Manchester Township School District is closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We look forward to welcoming students back to class on Tuesday, January 21.
about 2 months ago, MTSDNews
School is Close January 20, 2025
Ocean Pediatric Dental in Toms River, NJ is offering free dental care on Friday, February 7 to eligible students ages 12 and under. Please see the enclosed flyer for details and to make an appointment, today!
about 2 months ago, MTSDNews
Complimentary Dental - English
Complimentary Dental - Spanish
Each month the Board of Education recognizes students from every school at their meeting. Last night the Board of Education celebrated those students, and their achievements, as featured today at Congrats to the January Students of the Month!
about 2 months ago, MTSDNews
January BOE Student Recognitions
January BOE Student Recognitions
January BOE Student Recognitions
January BOE Student Recognitions
January BOE Student Recognitions
Congrats to the MTHS Math League who earned 3rd place out of all Ocean County high schools at yesterday’s Math League Competition! The team was the first in the county to correctly answer the challenging two-part team question, a highlight of the day! More:
about 2 months ago, MTSDNews
MTHS Math League Wins!
There is a Board of Education meeting tonight, Wednesday, January 15th at the Manchester Township Middle School. The public portion begins at 6:30 PM.
about 2 months ago, MTSDNews
Board of Education Meeting Tonight
This week is the MTSD Clean & Renewable Energy Science Fair on January 16! Another fun evening of science is scheduled, this time featuring the MTMS Engineering Team! Food and activities are sponsored by the MTEA. Register here to attend:
about 2 months ago, MTSDNews
Register today for the MTSD Clean & Renewable Energy Science Fair on January 16! Another fun evening of science is scheduled, this time featuring the MTMS Engineering Team! Food and activities are sponsored by the MTEA. Register Here:
NEW DATE! Register today for the MTSD Clean & Renewable Energy Science Fair now being held on FEBRUARY 20! Another fun evening of science is on deck featuring the MTMS Engineering Team! Food and activities are sponsored by the MTEA. Register Here:
2 months ago, MTSDNews
Clean Energy Science Fair New Date
Wishing all of our law enforcement agency partners a Happy Law Enforcement Appreciation Day! The MTSD appreciates your service, partnership, and dedication to our community.
2 months ago, MTSDNews
LE Appreciation Day
The MTSD Cereal Drive 2025, sponsored by the Junior Impact, Impact, & Interact Clubs, is here! Help students donate thousands of cereal boxes to local food banks through this initiative. Donations can be dropped off at any MTSD school before 2/14. Thank you for the support!
2 months ago, MTSDNews
Cereal Drive 2025
Due to the melt-off from today and the combined low-freezing overnight temps, all MTSD Schools will operate on a 90-minute delayed opening tomorrow, January 7th. Before-school activities & A.M. Y- Kids are canceled. Delayed opening schedule info is located at
2 months ago, MTSD News
90 Minute Delay
90 Minute Delay
This is an important weather-related message from the MTSD. Due to inclement weather conditions, and to ensure the safety of our students & staff, today all schools will be CLOSED on January 6th. We look forward to seeing students and staff when schools reopen
2 months ago, MTSD News
School is Closed
School is Closed
Attention MTSD! Pre-Registration for the 2025-26 Preschool Program goes LIVE at NOON TODAY! Spots are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Visit for details.
2 months ago, MTSDNews
prek prereg 25-26
Register today for the MTSD Clean & Renewable Energy Science Fair on January 16! Another fun evening of science is scheduled, this time featuring the MTMS Engineering Team! Food and activities are sponsored by the MTEA. Register Here:
2 months ago, MTSDNews
Prek=12 Family clean & Renewable Energy Science Fair
A reminder that families interested in the FREE Universal Preschool Program for the 2025-26 school year should prepare today! Pre-registration goes LIVE at NOON on Monday (1/6). Spots are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Visit for info!
2 months ago, MTSDNews
PreSchool Registration
There is a Manchester Township Board of Education special meeting for the purpose of the annual organization of the Board of Education tonight, Thursday, January 2, 2024 starting at 5:00 p.m. at the Manchester Township Middle School.
2 months ago, MTSDNews
Board of Education Meeting Tonight