The Manchester SEPAG in collaboration with Marlboro SEPAG and other surrounding districts will be hosting a virtual SEPAG meeting on Monday, October 21st at 7pm. The presentation is titled "What does executive function have to do with ADHD?"
5 months ago, MTSDNews
Manchester SEPAG - What does executive function have to do with ADHD?
October 2 is designated as School Custodian Appreciation Day! Here in the Manchester Township School District, we appreciate EVERY custodian and their hard work! Thank you for your dedication and helping to keep our schools a wonderful place to be!
6 months ago, MTSDNews
Custodian Appreciation 2024
Custodian Appreciation 2024
Custodian Appreciation 2024
Join us in showing thanks and appreciation for the hard work, leadership, and dedication of our MTSD Principals during Principal Appreciation Month! Thank you to our principals for all you do to support students and staff as educational leaders here in Manchester.
6 months ago, MTSDNews
24-25 Principal Appreciation Month
Dear MTSD Elementary and Middle School Parents/Guardians, Please be advised you have been emailed an important letter from the MTHS Athletic Director. Thank you!
6 months ago, MTSDNews
Dear MTSD Staff, Students, and Families, Please check your email for an important letter from our Technology Department. Thank you.
6 months ago, MTSDNews
The Manchester Twp. Municipal Alliance is a huge supporter of the MTSD. They are a great resource, help fund events & programs, & sponsor the MTHS DART Youth Prevention Coalition Club. Some of their NEW videos are on
6 months ago, MTSDNews
MTAD and MTMA Partnership Videos
Manchester Township High School's National Honor Society's Seniors are collecting personal hygiene items at this Friday Night's Homecoming Game! Please support their efforts in collecting supplies for RWFC. A wish list and information can be found at, today!
6 months ago, MTSDNews
MTHS NHS Personal Hygiene Drive 2024
MTHS NHS volunteers are partnering with the OC Library to provide local students with Hawk Study Buddies! Every Thursday, starting this week, from 5-7 PM at the Manchester Library in the Teen Zone, K-5 students can get help with homework & school work! More at
6 months ago, MTSDNews
NHS Hawk Study Buddies with OCL
Project Child Find is a service provided by the Manchester Township School District to identify children ages three to 21 who reside in Manchester and may be eligible for special education and related services. Assessments, evaluations, and any special education services determined necessary by the Child Study Team are provided at NO cost to families. If you would like more information about the kinds of services available, please visit, today!
6 months ago, MTSDNews
Each month, the Board of Education recognizes students from every school at their meeting. Last evening, the Board of Education celebrated MTSD students and their achievements with the community. Read all about it at, today!
6 months ago, MTSDNews
Sept BOE Meeting SOM
Sept BOE Meeting SOM
Sept BOE Meeting SOM
There is a Board of Education meeting tonight, Wednesday, September 18th at the Manchester Township Middle School. The public portion begins at 6:30 PM.
6 months ago, MTSDNews
Manchester Township Board of Education Meeting Tonight
The Manchester community came together at Town Hall this morning to reflect on the tragic events of September 11, 2001. The 9/11 Commemoration Ceremony honored the memory of the lives lost in, and as a result of, the attacks. We will never forget. More at
6 months ago, MTSDNews
9/11 Commemoration Ceremony 2024
9/11 Commemoration Ceremony 2024
9/11 Commemoration Ceremony 2024
Back to School Nights begin this week across the MTSD! Be sure to check out our website for important dates, turn on the notification in the FREE MTSD App (download it to your phone!), and mark your calendars to join us at your child's school. We can't wait!
6 months ago, MTSDNews
mtsd mobile
BTSN 2024
Beautiful skies, a warm sun, and excited staff provided a great welcome back to school this morning to students across the Manchester Township School District. It was a wonderful beginning to a year that will be filled with excellence! Welcome back! More at
6 months ago, MTSDNews
BTS 2024-25
It was a wonderful beginning to a year that will be filled with excellence! Welcome back, everyone!
It was a wonderful beginning to a year that will be filled with excellence! Welcome back, everyone!
Please see a Parent Letter from Superintendent Diane Pedroza regarding procedures and guidelines to follow when your child has an illness.
6 months ago, MTSDNews
Parent letter from Superintendent of schools Diane Pedroza
Today the Manchester Township School District (MTSD) welcomes students and staff back for the 2024-25 school year! Have a great day and a wonderful school year!
6 months ago, MTSDNews
welcome back 24-25
The Manchester Township School District invites you to warmly welcome Principal Thiffault & Vice Principal DiLorenzo to Ridgeway Elementary School and Principal Healy & Vice Principal Johnston to Manchester Township Elementary School. Read more at, today!
6 months ago, MTSDNews
Student transportation information for the 2024-25 school year is now available on the Parent Portal. All required forms must be completed on the Parent Portal before accessing transportation info. For more information, please check the email sent to parents & guardians.
6 months ago, MTSDNews
Transportation Information Now Available on the Parent Portal
The Impact was the theme for today's 2024-25 Opening Day Event held this morning for the entire Manchester Township School District staff, and what a positive impact was made! Read all about our staff's welcome back to school at!
6 months ago, MTSDNews
Opening Day Staff Event 2024-25
Opening Day Staff Event 2024-25
Opening Day Staff Event 2024-25
Student homeroom information for the 2024-25 school year is now available on the Parent Portal. All required forms must be filled out on the Parent Portal before accessing homerooms. For more information, please check the email sent to parents & guardians.
7 months ago, MTSDNews
Homeroom information now available on the parent portal