Manchester Township School District's preschool students are finishing their Trees Study as a part of the Creative Curriculum. This time of year provides such a rich experience for our youngest students to explore nature and utilize our school grounds as an extension of their classrooms.
During the Trees Study, students investigated what they already knew about trees and teachers then built on their background knowledge and asked the children, "What do you want to know about trees that you don't already know?" Our preschoolers then moved through the fall learning all about the parts of a tree, how trees grow and change, what grows on or lives in trees, what things are made from trees, and more!
Students went on nature walks around their school, combined classroom lessons with pumpkin patches, and had a special visit by a Naturalist from Cloverdale Parks. The Naturalist visited all of the Whiting Elementary School's preschool classrooms to discuss the local trees found in the Ocean County Parks System. Students had the ability to learn from the Naturalist and showcase all that they have been learning in their classes during the Tree Study. It was a great day!